Once upon a time, in a village of Kukkupura, there lived an old farmer called Karim Deen. The people of this village were very poor and worked hard to feed themselves and their families, but times were hard. Sometimes there was little rain and they failed to have a good harvest.
This old farmer was also poor but he had a kind heart. He would gladly to lend his farmer tools to any farmer who had no money to buy his own. He would quietly gave some of his crops to his neighbours who had a poor harvest. His wife was also very kind-hearted. She would send eggs and milk to anyone in the village who faced a shortage of food. When people cane to Karim and his wife for help, they never turned anyone away.
As time went by, Karim Deen became too old and feeble to work in his fields any longer. He had no children who could work in the fields, nor did he have money to hire people to work for him. One day, Karim lay in his bed by the window. He stared sadly at his empty fields. Then he saw something that made him sit up in amazement. Then he called his wife to have a look. Through his window, they both saw a sight that brought tears of joy and gratitude to their eyes. All the villagers approached Karim Deen’s field. Shoulder to shoulder, they all worked in the hot sun. Day after day they came to Karim Deen’s field and harvested his crops for him after finishing their farming.
The villagers never forgot the generosity they had been shown. They arranged the transport and sale of the crops and gave the money to the kind and his wife.