本帖最后由 ヮ成熟、羙° 于 2014-4-1 12:47 编辑
人们常说生命只不过是瞬间的总和。我认为每个人都有自己忽喜忽忧,忽起忽伏的瞬间,比如出生时,刚学会走路时,尽情地笑时,突然地哭时,被孩子的微笑所触动时,失去亲人时……今天我想我见证或者说亲身经历了这样一个瞬间,我有生以来第一次观看了一场教堂婚礼,虽然婚礼很简单。 一个穿黑西服留长发的大块头,拿个包儿,郑重地走了进来。看他的装束,我还以为是个魔术师呢。随后,他取出两个大银烛台,放在长方桌上。他小心地取出两只长长的蜡烛,安放在烛台上,点燃。下面是一方小红地毯,气氛显得更加神圣,令人敬畏。然后,他拿出一本深蓝封皮的小书,感觉与其说像圣经,不如说更像希伯来文。 突然,他朗诵起来,声音高亢绝美,旋律超乎想象。尽管我一个字也听不懂,但却能感觉到这像是出自天使之口的圣曲。周围其它人同声唱和,似乎时间都停滞了,来听这神圣的节奏,虔诚的祈祷。我真的看到有的人眼里闪烁着泪花。 教堂这一场结束后,每个人从牧师手里接过一杯葡萄酒,一片面包,品味着上帝赐给他们的生命的滋味。此时此刻,烛光,黑衣牧师,泪光闪闪的女人,葡萄酒,面包,象征着人的血和肉……所有这一切变成了我生命中神圣的瞬间,作为一个目击者,我的身躯因敬畏和惊奇僵住了。一幅幅画面呈现在眼前:穿兽皮吃生肉的原始人,在围着火堆跳舞,祟拜着他们认为掌管雷声,雨水,洪水,和丰收的诸神。人类生活间隔了数千年,但这个场景,这种精神却在很大程度上很相像。我想随着时间的流逝,世事的变迁,很可能人类有些东西保存了下来。 严格说来,这不是我生命中的瞬间,而是作为一个目击者,所见证的神圣的瞬间。因为我差不多是个无神论者,但知道世界上有宗教这种东西,它神秘而神圣,提升信徒的灵魂,从某种程度上使这个世界变得更美好,这个事实简直太让人震惊了。 附;原文 People always say: life is nothing but a sum of moments. I suppose everyone has their own moments, either high orlow, up or down, such as being born, first learning to walk, laughing hard,bursting into tears, being touched by a child’s smile, losing beloved ones…todayI think I witnessed or experienced such a moment, because it is the first timethat I have ever seen a chapel ceremony, even being a very brief one.
A heavy guy in black suit and long beard came in solemnly with a pack and I first thought he was a magician based on his dress. Then, two big silvercandleholders were placed on a long cube desk. He carefully put two long candles on the holders and lit them up. Under it was a small red rug, which made it more revere and sacred. He then took out a small book with a deep blue cover, of which the feeling was like the Holy Bible but more like Hebrews.
All of a sudden, he soared in an amazingly beautiful voice. The melody was beyond imagination. Although I did not understand a word of it, I could still sense that it was just the sacred melody as if from angels. The other people around were all echoing to it and itseemed the time even stopped just to listen to the holy rhythm and pious prayer. I literally saw tears in somebody’s eyes.
After the chapel session, everyone took a cup of wine and a slice of bread from the priest’s hand and savor the taste of life their god has given to them. Atthat moment, the candle light, the priest in black, the teary woman, the wineand bread symbolizing human’s flesh and blood…all of these transformed into asacred moment of my life as a eye witness, as if my body was frozen in awe and wonder. Pictures formed before my eyes-- the primitives, who wore the skin of the wild animals and ate raw meat, danced in a circle around the fire and worshipping the gods whom they believed were controlling the thunder, the rain,the flood, the harvest, the human life the interval is thousands and thousands of years, but the scene and the spirit still resembles to great extent. I wonder with the time flying and the world changing, there is probably something that remains within the human race.
Technically, it was not one of my moments but rather a sacred moment that I witnessed as a bystander since I am sort of an atheist. However, to know the fact that there is such a mysterious and sacred thing exists in the human world which is called religion and that itelevates the soul of the believers and somewhat makes the world a better place is simply astounding.