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诺瑞丁和波斯美人 荷叶/译 巴索拉是一个长期附属于哈里发的一个王国的首都。在哈里发哈伦拉西德时期,巴索拉国王兹耐比是哈里发的堂弟。他认为管理它的产业,一个元老不够,他有两个,分别叫卡坎和扫乌伊。 卡坎为人善良,慷慨,开明,只要可能,乐于帮助那些与他打交道的人。整个王国没有人不尊重他,对他赞誉有加,这都是他应得的。 扫乌伊则性格非常不同,他排斥所有与他打交道的人,总是很阴郁,虽然很有钱,却吝啬地剥夺自己的生活必需品。使他尤其可憎的是他很讨厌卡堪,总在国王面前说卡堪的坏话。 一天国王正在和他的两个元老和政务会的其它成员聊天消遣,话题谈到了女奴。一些人声称女奴只要漂亮就够了。而另一些人,包括卡坎则坚持只有美貌远远不够,还要佐之以风趣,智慧,谦虚,如果可能的话,还要有学识。 国王不仅宣布同意这个观点,还责令卡坎给他弄到一个满足所有这些条件的奴隶。一直持反对意见的扫乌伊妒忌卡堪得到的荣宠,说道:“陛下,要想找一个你想要的那样才华出众的奴隶很难,如果能够找到的话,至少要花一万个金币。” “扫乌伊,”国王答道:“你似乎认为那是一大笔钱,对你,可能如此,但我可不这样认为。” 他立刻命令当时在场的大司库拨给卡坎一万金币,去买个奴隶。 随后,卡堪一回到家,就找来贩卖女奴的贩子,责令他们一找到如他所描述的女奴就来向他报告。他们答应尽力,每天都会送来一个女奴供他检查,但没有一个完美无瑕。 最后,一天清晨,卡坎正在去王宫的路上,一个奴隶贩子跪倒在地,挡住了他的去路。急切地宣布昨天很晚的时候,来了个波斯商人,他有个奴隶要卖,这个奴隶的风趣和智慧与她无与伦比的美貌不相上下。 听到这个消息,大喜过望的卡坎命令他一从王宫回来,就把这个奴隶给他带来。奴隶贩子如约而至,卡坎发现这个奴隶比预料的要美丽,立刻给她取了“波斯美人”的雅号。 作为一个有极大智慧和渊博学识的人,经过简短的交谈,卡坎认为要想找一个在国王所要求的各项品质方面超过她的女奴是不可能的,因此,他问奴隶贩子,那个波斯商人开价多少。 奴隶贩子回答道:“阁下,少了一万金币他是不会出手的。他声称不用说服饰和营养,只是请先生进行指导和体型训练,花在她身上的钱,就够那个数目。她在各方面都适合做国王的奴隶,她会演奏各种乐器,能歌善舞,会做诗,事实上,没有哪项技能她不擅长。 卡坎比奴隶贩子更能判断她的优点,他想把这件事做个了断,就找来商人,对他说:“不是我要买你的奴隶,是国王要买。但她的价格太高了。” “阁下,”商人回答:“我很荣幸能把她觐献给国王,这样做就成商人了吗?我只要把她培养成现在这个样子,我所花掉的数目。” 卡坎不想讨价还价,立刻让人数出这笔钱,交给了商人,商人在离开以前说: “阁下,因为她注定要成为国王的人,我想提醒您经过长途旅行,她一定极其疲劳,在把她献给国王前,您最好在您家先养上两周,给她一点照顾。太阳已晒黑了她的皮肤,在她洗过两、三次澡,换上得体的衣服后,您会发现她会增色不少。 卡坎谢了商人,决定采纳他的建议。他把波斯美人安排在一套房子里,紧挨着妻子的住所,责令妻子像对待国王的女人那样对待她,给她订做最华丽的服装。 在告别波斯美人前,卡坎对她说:“我给你谋到了最大幸福。自己想想,你马上就要属于国王了。然而,我有一件事要警告你。我有一个儿子,他虽然不乏聪明,但他年轻,鲁莽,任性,我要你离他远点。” 波斯美人感谢了他的建议,答应会从中获益。 元老的儿子叫诺瑞丁,他可以随意出入他母亲的住所。他年轻,英俊,随和,能迷倒所有与他接触的人。尽管他知道波斯美人注定是要献给国王的,但还是一见到她,就被她迷得神魂颠倒,他立刻决定在他权力范围内,想方设法把她给自己留下来。波斯美人也同样被诺瑞丁所征服,她自语道:“元老把我买来献给国王真是太荣幸了。他如果把我给他的儿子我会认为很幸福。” 诺瑞丁利用每一个机会来凝视她的美,与她交谈,和她一想大笑。要不是母亲强迫,他一会儿也不想离开她。 考虑到波斯美人洗浴后,过了一段时间,经过了长途旅行。在购买五、六天后,元老夫人命令给她烧洗澡水,让自己的女奴伺候她,然后给她换上为她准备的一套华丽的衣裳。 梳洗完毕,波斯美人来到元老夫人面前,她比以前更美了,夫人差点没认出她来。美丽的女奴吻着夫人的手说:“夫人,我不知道您怎样找到的这套服装,您的手下人说这太适合我了,她们几乎都认不出我了。如果这是事实而不是溢美之辞的话,这种改变应该归功于您。” “闺女,”元老夫人回答:“她们没有奉承你,我都差点没认出你来。这种改变不仅仅来自于服装,而是很大程度上来自于沐浴的美容作用。这效果太引人了,我自己也要尝试一下。” 附:原文 Noureddin and the Fair Persian 1 Balsora was the capital of a kingdom long tributary to the caliph. During the time of the CaliphHaroun-al-Raschid the king of Balsora, who was his cousin, was called Zinebi.Not thinking one vizir enoughfor the administration of his estates he had two, named Khacan and Saouy. Khacan was kind, generous, and liberal, and took pleasure in obliging, asfar as in him lay, those who had business with him. Throughout the entirekingdom there was no one who did not esteem and praise him as hedeserved. Saouy was quite a different character, and repelled everyone with whom hecame in contact; he was always gloomy, and, in spite of his great riches, somiserly that he denied himself even the necessaries of life. What made him particularly detested was the great aversion he had to Khacan, of whom he never ceased to speakevil to the king. One day, while the king amused himself talking with his two vizirs andother members of the council, the conversation turned on female slaves. Whilesome declared that it sufficed for a slave to be beautiful, others, and Khacan was among the number, maintained that beauty alone was not enough, but that itmust be accompanied by wit, wisdom, modesty, and, if possible, knowledge. The king not only declared himself to be of this opinion, but charged Khacan to procure him a slave who should fulfil all these conditions. Saouy, whohad been of the opposite side, and was jealous of the honour done to Khacan,said, "Sire, it will be very difficult to find a slave as accomplished asyour Majesty desires, and, if she is to be found, she will be cheap if she costless than 10,000 gold pieces." "Saouy," answered the king, "you seem to find that a verygreat sum. For you it may be so, but not for me." And forthwith he ordered his grand treasurer, who was present, to send10,000 gold pieces to Khacan for the purchase of the slave. As soon, then, as Khacan returned home he sent for the dealers in femaleslaves, and charged them directly they had found such a one as he described toinform him. They promised to do their utmost,and no day passed that they did not bring a slave for his inspection but nonewas found without some defect. At length, early one morning, while Khacan was on his way to the king'spalace, a dealer, throwing himself in his way, announced eagerly that a Persianmerchant, arrived late the previous evening, had a slave to sell whose wit andwisdom were equal to her incomparable beauty. Khacan, overjoyed at this news, gave orders that the slave should bebrought for his inspection on his return from the palace. The dealer appearingat the appointed hour, Khacan found the slave beautiful beyond hisexpectations, and immediately gave her the name of "The FairPersian." Being a man of great wisdom and learning, he perceived in the shortconversation he had with her that he would seek in vain another slave to surpassher in any of the qualities required by the king, and therefore asked thedealer what price the merchant put upon her. "Sir," was the answer, "for less than 10,000 gold pieces hewill not let her go; he declares that, what with masters for her instruction,and for bodily exercises, not to speak of clothing and nourishment, he hasalready spent that sum upon her. She is in every way fit to be the slave of aking; she plays every musical instrument, she sings, she dances, she makesverses, in fact there is no accomplishment in which she does notexcel." Khacan, who was better able to judge of her merits than the dealer,wishing to bring the matter to a conclusion, sent for the merchant, and said tohim, "It is not for myself that I wish to buy your slave, but for theking. Her price, however, is too high." "Sir," replied the merchant, "I should esteem it an honourto present her to his Majesty, did it become a merchant to do such a thing. Iask no more than the sum it has cost me to make her such as she is." Khacan, not wishing to bargain, immediately had the sum counted out, andgiven to the merchant, who before withdrawing said: "Sir, as she is destined for the king, I would have you observe thatshe is extremely tired with the long journey, and before presenting her to hisMajesty you would do well to keep her a fortnight in your own house, and to seethat a little care is bestowed upon her. The sun has tanned her complexion, butwhen she has been two or three times to the bath, and is fittingly dressed, youwill see how much her beauty will be increased." Khacan thanked the merchant for his advice, and determined to follow it.He gave the beautiful Persian an apartment near to that of his wife, whom hecharged to treat her as befitting a lady destined for the king, and to orderfor her the most magnificent garments. Before bidding adieu to the fair Persian, he said to her: "Nohappiness can be greater than what I have procured for you; judge for yourself,you now belong to the king. I have, however, to warn you of one thing. I have ason, who, though not wanting in sense, is young, foolish, and headstrong, and Icharge you to keep him at a distance." The Persian thanked him for his advice, and promised to profit byit. Noureddin--for so the vizir's son was named--went freely in and out of hismother's apartments. He was young, well-made and agreeable, and had the gift ofcharming all with whom he came in contact. As soon as he saw the beautifulPersian, though aware that she was destined for the king, he let himself becarried away by her charms, and determined at once to use every means in hispower to retain her for himself. The Persian was equally captivated byNoureddin, and said to herself: "The vizir does me too great honour inbuying me for the king. I should esteem myself very happy if he would give meto his son." Noureddin availed himself of every opportunity to gaze upon her beauty, to talk andlaugh with her, and never would have left her side if his mother had not forcedhim. Some time having elapsed,on account of the long journey, since the beautiful Persian had been to thebath, five or six days after her purchase the vizir's wife gave orders that thebath should be heated for her, and that her own female slaves should attend herthere, and afterwards should array her in a magnificent dress that had beenprepared for her. Her toilet completed, the beautiful Persian came to present herself to thevizir's wife, who hardly recognised her, so greatly was her beauty increased.Kissing her hand, the beautiful slave said: "Madam, I do not know how youfind me in this dress that you have had prepared for me; your women assure methat it suits me so well that they hardly knew me. If it is the truth they tellme, and not flattery, it is to you I owe the transformation." "My daughter," answered the vizir's wife, "they do notflatter you. I myself hardly recognised you. The improvement is not due to thedress alone, but largely to the beautifying effects of the bath. I am so struck by its results, that I would try it on myself." |