本帖最后由 ヮ成熟、羙° 于 2013-11-19 07:55 编辑
第四个内在敌人是忧心忡忡。所有人都应有所忧虑。只是不能让忧虑主宰你。相反,让它警醒你。忧虑有时很有用。当你在纽约市区,一脚踏出人行道时,一辆出租迎面而来,此时,你需要忧虑 。但决不可让忧虑像一匹脱缰的野马一样把你逼上死角。你应该把它逼上死角。不论是什么,只要它想抓住你,你先抓住它。不管是什么,只要它想推动你,你先把它推回去。
与这几种敌人战斗。与自己的恐惧战斗。树立信心,与阻碍自己远离目标,远离梦想,阻碍自己前进的一切战斗。勇敢地生活,勇敢地追求自己想要的事物,想要成为的人生。 附:原文 We are not bornwith courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears arebrought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by whatyou've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a badpart of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid thatsituation, you won't need to live in fear of it. Fears, even themost basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes.Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives.Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us. Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within. The first enemy thatyou've got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is! "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift along."Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of themountain. The second enemy weface isindecision.Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal yourchances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy. The third enemy side is doubt. Sure,there's room for healthy skepticism. You can't believe everything. But you alsocan't let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past,doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worse of all, they doubt themselves.I'm telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. Doubtis an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it. The fourth enemy within is worry. We've all got to worry some. Just don't let conquer you.Instead, let it alarm you. Worry can be useful. If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxiis coming, you've got to worry. But you can't let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small corner. Here's what you've got to do with your worries: drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you, you've gotto get it. Whatever is pushing on you, you've got to push back. The fifth interior enemy is overcaution. It is the timid approach to life. Timidity is not avirtue; it's an illness. If you let it go, it'll conquer you. Timid people don't get promoted. They don't advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace. You've got to avoid overcaution. Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what's holding you back, what's keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in yourlife and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.