本帖最后由 ヮ成熟、羙° 于 2013-6-6 17:50 编辑
我忘了自己说过什么,可雷切尔总乐意提醒我,是我最终阻止了她抱怨下去。我说:“雷切尔,雷切尔,请闭嘴。”我接下来说:“问题很简单,你可以自己做决定。你可以继续现在的工作,但要态度积极,每天要尽力去做。你也可以找一家新公司换一份新工作。但无论你的选择是什么,你都应停止抱怨,抱怨对你有百害而无一利。或者改变工作或者改变工作态度。”谈话结束了,我想我们之间的友谊也结束了,因为此后她有好几个月都没有再和我说话。 我和妻子再次见到雷切尔是在一次聚会上。她告诉我,尽管听了我的话,她当时感觉很不舒服,她还是决定采纳我的建议。她没有改变工作,而是不再抱怨,业绩随之有所上升。三个月后,她的业绩上升了百分之三十。一年以后,她的业绩上升了百分之七十。公司里的所有人都向她讨教成功秘诀。 雷切尔停止抱怨而走向了成功。你呢?抱怨是否还在危害着你和你的团队?如果抱怨使你停滞不前,我理解你的感受。我曾经是个爱抱怨的人。因此,我才知道雷切尔需要听些什么。十年前我和她处境相似。但我知道,停止抱怨,积极行动起来,你就迈出了成功的第一步。欢迎尝试。 附:原文 My wife’s friend Rachel wouldn’t stop complaining. For twenty minutes she had a series of complaints. She complained about her job. She complained about her company’s new policies. She complained about the economy. Most of all she complained about her lack of sales at work. I don’t remember saying this, but Rachel likes to remind me that I finally stopped her from complaining by saying,“Rachel, Rachel, will you please shut up?” Then I said, “It is really simple. You have a choice. You can accept your present job with a positive attitude and decide to do your best every day or you can find a new job in a new company. But whatever you do, stop complaining because it’s not doing you any good. Either change your job or change your attitude toward your job.” The conversation was over and so was our friendship, I thought, because she wouldn’t speak to me for a few months. Then my wife and I saw her at a party and she told me that while it didn’t feel good to hear what I had said, she decided to take my advice. She stayed in her job, stopped complaining and started selling more. Three months after changing her attitudes, her sales were up 30%. A year later, her sales were up 70%. Everyone in her company wanted to know how she was doing. Rachel stopped complaining and started winning. How about you? Is complaining harming you and your team? If complaining holding you back, I know how you feel. I used to be a complainer. That’s why I knew what Rachel needed to hear. I was in a similar situation ten years ago. But I’ve learned that when you stop complaining and take positive action, you start winning. Give it a try. |