本帖最后由 ヮ成熟、羙° 于 2014-7-12 22:38 编辑
秋天的落日 荷叶/译 去年十一月,我们度过了一个非同凡响的黄昏。我正在草地上行走,一条小溪由此流出。一整天太阳都灰蒙蒙的,天很冷。此时,太阳即将落下,到达了地平线澄澈的一层。无比柔和,无比明亮的光线反照在干燥的草地上,树木的枝干上,以及山腰橡木丛生的叶子上。此时我们的身影一路向东,在草地上拉得长长的,好像我们才是此光线中唯一的微尘。光线美得前一刻绝难想象,空气如此温馨宁静,再也不需要什么,已把那片草地变成了天堂。 日光带着慷慨赐予城市的那种壮丽和辉煌落在一片幽静的草地上,此处看不见一所房子,这很偶然,也绝无仅有。一只孤独的沼泽鹰双翅被镀上了一层金光,一张孤零零的面孔从小屋里向外张望。在沼泽中间一条黑黑的小溪绕过一个朽木桩,正在缓缓地流淌。我们漫步在这样的光线中,纯净明亮,清柔宁馨,使枯草残叶熠熠生辉。我想我从来没有沐浴在如此倾泻的金色夕照之中,没有一丝涟漪,一声絮语。 附:原文 We had a remarkable sunset one day last November. I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun at last, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon, and the softest, brightest morning sunlight fell on the dry grass and on the stems ofthe trees in the opposite horizon, and on the leaves of the shrub-oaks on the hill-side, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if wewere the only motes inits beams. It was such a light as we could not have imagined a moment before,and the air also was so warm and serene that nothing wanted to make a paradise of that meadow. The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with allthe glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before,--where there is but a solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings gilded by it, oronly a masques lookout from his cabin, and there is some little black-veined brook in the midst of the marsh, just beginning to meander, winding slowly round a decaying stump. We walked in sopure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it. |