本帖最后由 ヮ成熟、羙° 于 2014-10-22 16:38 编辑
孩子如风筝 荷叶/译 为了帮他们起飞, 你经营多年 与他们一同奔跑, 直到累得吁吁带喘
你们撞上屋脊 回归地面 你安抚了一遍又一遍 相信他们定会翱翔蓝天
他们终于得以升空 他们需要飞得更高 你便不停地释放着引线 每一次引线纠结 你们都在交谈 忧伤伴欢颜
风筝越飞越远 你明白 那个可爱的生灵 不久就会挣脱那条 维系你俩的生命之线 直冲云霄 得偿所愿 独往独来 自在无边
唯有那时 你才懂得 自己的使命 至此圆满
附:原文 You spend years trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless. They crash. They hit the rooftop. You patch comfort, and surethat someday they would fly Finally they are airborne... They need more string and you keep letting it out. They talk and the each twist of the twine there is a sadness that goes with joy. The kite becomes more distant, and you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that binds you two together and will soar as it is meant to soar, free and alone. Only then do you know that you did your job. |