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扁鹊的医术 荷叶/译 扁鹊是中国古代名医。一天,魏文侯问:“你和你两位哥哥都精于医术,谁医术最高?” 扁鹊回答:“大哥最好,二哥次之,我最差。” 魏文侯又问:“那为什么你却最有名?” 扁鹊回答:“大哥治的是刚刚开始出现症状的病,他做的只是清除病原,我们一家人都明白,只是其他人不明白。因此,他不能享有广泛的认可。我二哥治的是早期的疾病,人们错以为他只会治一些小病小灾。因此,他只闻名乡里。而我治得则是大病重病,人们看见我针刺血管,放血手术,或是敷涂药膏。人们认为我精通医术,于是,我享誉全国。 魏文侯很满意,说:“你的解释令人信服。” 我们可以从这个故事中学到:预防优于控制,而控制又优于事后补救。遗憾的是很多企业管理者看不到这一点,他们总是在错误的决定造成重大损失后,才试图寻找措施来补救,他们却发现这往往是为时已晚,于事无补。 附:原文 Bianque was afamous physician in ancient China.One day the King of Wei asked him, "You and your two brothers are allskilled in medicine, which of you is the best?" Bianque answered,"My eldest brother is the best, the next is my second brother , and thelast is me." The King askedagain, "Then how is it that you are the most famous?" Bianque replied,"My eldest brother treats a disease when it is just beginning to showsymptoms. What he does is to remove the pathogen--members of my family can allsee that but other people cannot. That's why he doesn't enjoy wide recognition.My second brother cures a disease in its early stages. People thus mistake himas only capable of treating minor illnesses. So he is merely known within thislocality and its neighborhood. As for me, I treat a disease when it is alreadywell developed and very serious. People observe me perform bloodletting byinjecting tubes into vessels or applying medical ointment on the skin, and thuslook upon me as well versed in medicine. So I have become well known all overthe country." The King was quitesatisfied and said, "You've given a cogent explanation." What we can learnfrom the story is this: Prevention is better than control, which in turn isbetter than remedy after the event. It's a pity that many enterprise managersfail to see this and try to seek remedies after wrong decisions have incurredgreat losses, which, they will find, may be too late to make up for.